Helpful Tips for a First Time Visitor to Japan

I think there is no more confusing a time than how you feel in the first two days of visiting a foreign country. Culture shock may be the cause, but in my experience it is the language barrier, the common knowledge that everyone except you has, and the lack of sleep you no doubt experiencingContinue reading “Helpful Tips for a First Time Visitor to Japan”

How to Get Your E-2 Visa in Osaka, Japan

Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to EPIK or to teach in Korea. Now you’re in need of an E-2 visa, or a teaching visa. If you’re able to secure your visa in your home country, that’ll be the most convenient. If your circumstance prevents you from getting your visa before coming to Korea, or you decideContinue reading “How to Get Your E-2 Visa in Osaka, Japan”